Monday, May 14, 2007


Madiaon learns songs at school.Then she takes them home.Here is the bad part!She keeps on repeating them.It is so anoing.And the worst part is now they are stuck in my head!Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoo
I have got to go now!



Mrs. Strough said...

Good job with all of our songs! Let Mack know that after we perform these, we'll be learning a lot more for Graduation!

Mrs. Strough said...

Today we will begin learning our graduation songs. Everyone in the class will also have a speaking or signing part. Will you do some signing for us?

M&M said...

yes i will i like to sign a lot i know abcrstuvwxyz what cind of signing am i doing for our Graduation?

Mrs. Strough said...
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Mrs. Strough said...

I will give you a part to sign about learning our colors. Also, I would like to give you some other parts. I will have Mrs. Gallant help us.

M&M said...

cool! i whant to do my colors & some more to it will be fun.