Monday, May 7, 2007


The turtles are so qute. They just like to eat lettuce.That is all.Sometimes I give them other things.But they do not like to eat it.right now,one of them is squshing their head on the glass.Like ten years ago one of them (nuckles) got droped.He got a crack in his shell.I feel bad for him.The other (sheila) is a realy fast crawler.Their water is messy.You can clean it.But a few days later it will be a slop!After a little while the turtles will be sitting under the log.Sometimes they like to sit in their food dish.Sometimes they like to swim in their water.I do not know why!And did you know that they have a beak?'Cause they do.They like to climb the log too.they are so cool


Mandi A. said...

I saw them eating the apple when I was there yesterday.

jamie carter said...
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