max (playing) the new wii.
Friday, December 28, 2007
presents we got
max (playing) the new wii.
Christmas morning
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
adisions are held dec 3.2007. if you would like to audision call my home phone they will be from 2 to 3 30 . they will be at my house .
Friday, November 9, 2007
marshmello fun!

put one bag of small marshmellos in a your pot. turn the burner on low. when they are done melting and they look like potatoe soap turn the burner off. then you can add food coloring. then let it coll of for about ten minuits. when it is cool,you can put it in a mold. then put it in the fridge for about ten hours or over night with tin foil over it.
bday challenge
name five things you got in your previosbirthdays.
1. new clothes
2.lamb stuffed animal
3.atm matchine
5.lunch with grandma
1. new clothes
2.lamb stuffed animal
3.atm matchine
5.lunch with grandma
Thursday, November 8, 2007
what i want
my bday is nov. 26 here are some things i want for my birthday.shining stars stuffed animal.idog mini (pink).animal doctor (nintendo ds).animal safary play set.cabich patch kids little sprouts.mijam guitar.cabich patch kids new born.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
this will be fun
I am making a movie. If you would like to adition make a comment at the bottom of this post. Aditions will be held october 27 ,2007.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
another new thing
Max started this yesterday. He comes over to me and puts his arms out. Then he says uuuuuuuu. And he looks sireace so I pick him up.I do not know were he got this but I don't like it.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Today we made butter. It was kind of hard since mine was one of the ones that did not want to cooperate. I shook it for about a half an hour.So!
baby food jar
Then shake it until you see a butter patie!!!!!!!!!
baby food jar
Then shake it until you see a butter patie!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Today Sheila put her leg in Nuckles shell. Nuckles was hibernating. Sheila was puling on her foot. Finaly dad came home and he put them in some water. Nuckles Finaly realized that Sheila was on his back and he woke up! Then he started puling on himself. And Sheila finaly came off!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
it was awsome
Our field trip was so fun! Grandma becky came . And we had a blast! I think it was the best trip ever!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Tuesday is my fieldtrip!
On Tuesday I am going to Natural History Museum. I think this will be alot of fun considoring I have never been there. I hope my friends mom will be there. If she is I will be in her group.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Carla's Challenge
4 jobs I have held
1:clean my room
2:wash the table
3:clean the back room
4:give max and madi a bath
4 movies I can watch over and over:
1:high school musical
3:symon birch
4.charlott's web
4 places I have lived:
1:echo springs -las vegas
2:natral slope-las vegas
3:maricopa-las vagas
4:back bay-las vegas
4 TV shows I enjoy
1:the real estate pros
2:30 minute meals
3:hannah montana
4:suite life of zack and cody
4 places I have been on vacation:
4 websites i visit daily
1:jacob's blog
2:my blog
3:mom's blog
4:everyone els's blog
4 places I would rather be right now
3:any beach
4:new york city
4 people that I think will do this challenge
4 of my favorite dishes/restaurants:
1:tquitos-baja fresh
2:manserella sticks-sonic
3:ham and cheese-arbe's
4:tquitos tortilla joes
1:clean my room
2:wash the table
3:clean the back room
4:give max and madi a bath
4 movies I can watch over and over:
1:high school musical
3:symon birch
4.charlott's web
4 places I have lived:
1:echo springs -las vegas
2:natral slope-las vegas
3:maricopa-las vagas
4:back bay-las vegas
4 TV shows I enjoy
1:the real estate pros
2:30 minute meals
3:hannah montana
4:suite life of zack and cody
4 places I have been on vacation:
4 websites i visit daily
1:jacob's blog
2:my blog
3:mom's blog
4:everyone els's blog
4 places I would rather be right now
3:any beach
4:new york city
4 people that I think will do this challenge
4 of my favorite dishes/restaurants:
1:tquitos-baja fresh
2:manserella sticks-sonic
3:ham and cheese-arbe's
4:tquitos tortilla joes
Monday, July 9, 2007
The New Challenge
tell somethings about yourself starting with the letters of your name.
m.make-up hater
a.alergies immune
c.cake lover
k.know it all
e.eight years old
n.night hater
z.zebra liker
i.inglish speaker
e.elaphant lover
m.make-up hater
a.alergies immune
c.cake lover
k.know it all
e.eight years old
n.night hater
z.zebra liker
i.inglish speaker
e.elaphant lover
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
my teacher
I love my teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gradguation is my first one!!!
my gradguation was fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love my teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, June 1, 2007
Year book
Today I got my second grade year book.I got to sighn every one's year book.The people that had one.I was so exited to get it .The I got to see everyone's picture.It was fun to see the year!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
There Has Been A Change
Today we had a change in our field trip location!Now we are going to the leechildren's museum!Again!
Monday, May 14, 2007
kick ball
Today I played kick ball at school!It was so fun.Eternity helped me a little.But otherwise I was fine.Kick ball is so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Madiaon learns songs at school.Then she takes them home.Here is the bad part!She keeps on repeating them.It is so anoing.And the worst part is now they are stuck in my head!Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoo
I have got to go now!
I have got to go now!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
mother's day
For every mother out there celibrate on this day.So harray,harray for mother's day.Pack up your bags and find a place to go.Just make sure it is not gonna snow!call the house monerale (dad).And get there in a couple of seconds.Harray,harray for mother's day!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
mack's blog challenge
ten things I like about school
6.line leader
7.Maisy helper(hamster) friends
10.amy(makenna's mom)
ten things I don't like about school
1.Collin(in my class)
3.Sarah(the short one)
5.cabuse(end of the line)
6.trash person
8.boys in my class
9.not being able to stay all day
10.people telling me will you plleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssseeeeeeeee talk!
6.line leader
7.Maisy helper(hamster) friends
10.amy(makenna's mom)
ten things I don't like about school
1.Collin(in my class)
3.Sarah(the short one)
5.cabuse(end of the line)
6.trash person
8.boys in my class
9.not being able to stay all day
10.people telling me will you plleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssseeeeeeeee talk!
My blog challengefor the kids
10 things I like about school friends
2. my teacher
9.the principal
10.getting things done
ten things I don't like about school drills
2.Eternity (mean girl)
5.raising your hand
8.getting told on
10.movies friends
2. my teacher
9.the principal
10.getting things done
ten things I don't like about school drills
2.Eternity (mean girl)
5.raising your hand
8.getting told on
Field Trip
I am going on a field trip to the Natral History Museum.It will be so cool.About every kid in my class has been there before.I am really looking forward to it.I am going to have lots of fun!
Monday, May 7, 2007
The turtles are so qute. They just like to eat lettuce.That is all.Sometimes I give them other things.But they do not like to eat it.right now,one of them is squshing their head on the glass.Like ten years ago one of them (nuckles) got droped.He got a crack in his shell.I feel bad for him.The other (sheila) is a realy fast crawler.Their water is messy.You can clean it.But a few days later it will be a slop!After a little while the turtles will be sitting under the log.Sometimes they like to sit in their food dish.Sometimes they like to swim in their water.I do not know why!And did you know that they have a beak?'Cause they do.They like to climb the log too.they are so cool
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
More Photos

I did good on my ar (go up on stage) today I had to have mrs.strough cas I had to hav someone to (go on stage).
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
my favorite book
Junie B. Jones is my favorite book.I think that Junie B. is so funny.In this book she goes to the school carnival.There she wins the cake walk.she picks a fruit cake and saysI always eat fruit and I always eat cake.Then she gets it and eats it and she does not like it.So she calls it the yucky blucky fruitcake.And at the first part when her parents tell the babysitter the (structions)they say and make sure she does not make her brother lick a potato.It is so funny!

Monday, April 23, 2007
More Photos

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
So Now Another Story
I am Tommy the caterpillar.Last night I saw a person.They were big!All of a sudden they started using a vlacroom.They also started to use a clust band. I was scared of the noise of the vlacroom.The clust band did not make a sound.I sure wished I still lived in the jungle!Now I am in a crilesist.So I can not see.I am still not happy about when a person picked me up and put me in a jar!
Monday, April 16, 2007
So now it's on my blog
I am a caterpillar I eat couches. My friend Luey the bear eats caterpillars. Just kidding I eat leaves and on the other one my friend really eats caterpillars. So I don't give him soda. If I forget I just run.
One day he was sitting on the bench at the park. I was with him, he brought soda. He got hyper and got one of my hairs. I need to shave.
I have a secret girlfriend, her name is Nicole. I wrote a love letter to her. She eats my leaves. Maybe I should start eating couches. Oh and she likes her name a lot.
OK, now lets talk about her eating my leaves, maybe we'll talk about eating couches. I don't like it. She has her own hammock. She thinks she's floating on air. I think she is crazy, but maybe she can prove me wrong.
She has this crazy friend named Nuckels. He is a rat. I don't think he has bathed since 1947. Maybe I am wrong.
That night I went to see her. She had a sock on her head. I asked her why. She said it was her secret hide out. She is very weird I whispered to myself. She said what. I said oh nothing.
So then we talked about her. We worked out her problems. We were best friends again. I let her eat my leaves. I played with her.
After our conference I went over to Luey's house. I sat in a very large chair. I told him he was allergic to soda and what that meant. We went over not to eat people or animals. And we were best friends again.
Now I have two best friends.
I play with them.
I eat with them.
I talk to them.
I hope our friendship never ends.
One day he was sitting on the bench at the park. I was with him, he brought soda. He got hyper and got one of my hairs. I need to shave.
I have a secret girlfriend, her name is Nicole. I wrote a love letter to her. She eats my leaves. Maybe I should start eating couches. Oh and she likes her name a lot.
OK, now lets talk about her eating my leaves, maybe we'll talk about eating couches. I don't like it. She has her own hammock. She thinks she's floating on air. I think she is crazy, but maybe she can prove me wrong.
She has this crazy friend named Nuckels. He is a rat. I don't think he has bathed since 1947. Maybe I am wrong.
That night I went to see her. She had a sock on her head. I asked her why. She said it was her secret hide out. She is very weird I whispered to myself. She said what. I said oh nothing.
So then we talked about her. We worked out her problems. We were best friends again. I let her eat my leaves. I played with her.
After our conference I went over to Luey's house. I sat in a very large chair. I told him he was allergic to soda and what that meant. We went over not to eat people or animals. And we were best friends again.
Now I have two best friends.
I play with them.
I eat with them.
I talk to them.
I hope our friendship never ends.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
In school I have 2 cterpillars on my desk.One's name is Timmy.And one's name is Tommy.This week they should be turning into a pupa.One of my caterpillers was about as thick as an edge of paper.He was small!I love my caterpillars!
Friday, April 13, 2007
Today I have been picked in Gate.There were only 2 kids in my class that got it.Gate is if you are a realy smart student.You go and get challenged on lots of tests too.I am so glad I am now in Gate!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
when I make a letter
first i get out the paper then i get out the glue then i get out the sisrse then i get started on it i have lots of fun then when i am all done i put it some where to drie then i give it to the persin and they like it alate
Grow Up
When I grow up I want to be a singer.I had alot of careers in mind but I just choose to be a singer.It seemed like fun.I also want to have one kid.I want to have a cat and a dog.Iwant to live in a 4 story house.If my kid is a boy I will name it Danny.If I have a girl I will name it Rabecka.If I just happen to have twins,I will think about it!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
what I did at school
my teacher made me add up to 100 in school today joshua mattew and I dont no if Noah did to and I had a test on the computer I am reading at a 2 grade level it's a ar test becase I read good I cant read to my teacher becase I dont talk to peopeol
In The Morning...
I get up (but I don't want to.)Then I go eat a delisous breakfast that my mom made.I brush my teeth after that.Sometimes I am so tired I can't get the tooth paste out.Then it's time to get dressed!Mom just irond my clothes.Time to get your hair done mom says.But first I have to brush it out.(It is very tangly!)After hair is done I get my shoes and socks on.Then I pack my backpack.Then the car.Then I am off to school!
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